Directv H23-600 Hd Receiver Manual Download Last Version


Hi all. It has been a long time since I posted at LQ! I just had to attach the lircd.conf file I generated for directv model H23-600 high def receiver. I played hell for weeks getting this to work with my Mythtv box. Thanks to my new Commandir transceiver + mythbuntu, I was able to generate a working lircd.conf file. I have tested virtually all signals from my mythtv box to the directv receiver and it works. If anyone else out there needs it, enjoy! (by the way, I already e-mailed it to as suggested in the config file!)
# Please make this file available to others
# by sending it to <>
# this config file was automatically generated
# using lirc-0.8.3(default) on Thu Jan 29 21:07:51 2009
# contributed by
# brand: directtv
# model no. of remote control: H23
# devices being controlled by this remote: H23 set top box
begin remote
name directv
eps 30
aeps 100
ptrail 656
repeat 0 0
gap 29999
begin raw_codes
name 1
6058 1149 1275 1126 673 555
646 555 645 555 646 555
645 1128 673 555 646 1126
name 2
6058 1149 1275 1126 673 530
671 555 645 555 646 555
1246 554 646 555 1246 552
name 3
6059 1149 1274 1126 674 555
645 555 646 555 645 555
1247 1127 672 556 1246 1125
name 4
6057 1150 1273 1128 671 531
670 530 670 531 669 1130
671 556 644 556 1246 1126
name 5
6058 1149 1275 1126 673 555
646 555 646 554 646 1128
672 1129 672 1128 672 554
name 6
6058 1149 1274 1127 673 555
645 555 646 555 645 1128
1274 554 646 1128 672 1127
name 7
6059 1148 1275 1126 674 554
646 555 646 554 646 1128
1274 1127 672 1129 1273 552
name 8
6057 1149 1275 1126 673 555
646 555 646 554 1247 554
645 556 645 1128 1274 552
name 9
6058 1149 1275 1126 673 555
646 555 645 555 1247 554
645 1128 673 1128 1274 1125
name 0
6058 1149 1274 1127 673 555
646 554 646 1128 672 556
645 1129 671 1129 1274 552
name dash
6059 1149 1275 1126 673 555
646 554 646 1128 672 556
1246 555 645 1128 1273 1126
name enter
6058 1149 1275 1126 673 555
646 555 645 1128 673 555
1247 1127 1273 555 645 553
name mute
6058 1149 1275 1126 674 555
645 1127 674 1127 1275 554
645 1128 672 556 1246 1125
name prev
6058 1149 1275 1126 673 530
671 554 646 555 1247 1126
1274 1128 1273 1128 672 553
name chanUp
6058 1149 1274 1127 673 530
670 555 646 555 1246 1127
673 1128 1274 554 1247 552
name chanDown
6058 1148 1275 1127 673 530
671 554 646 555 1246 1127
1274 554 1247 554 1246 1125
name volUp
6058 1148 1275 1127 673 532
669 1127 673 1128 1274 554
645 1129 672 555 1247 1125
name volDown
6058 1149 1274 1127 673 530
671 1127 673 1128 1274 554
645 1129 672 555 1247 1125
name red
6058 1148 1275 1126 673 531
670 1128 672 556 645 555
646 1128 1273 555 645 553
name green
6058 1149 1275 1126 673 531
670 1127 673 556 645 555
1247 1126 1274 555 1246 553
name yellow
6059 1148 1275 1126 673 531
670 1128 673 555 645 556
1246 554 1247 554 645 1126
name blue
6059 1149 1274 1127 673 530
671 1127 673 555 646 1128
672 556 1246 555 1246 552
name back
6058 1149 1275 1126 673 531
670 555 1247 554 645 1128
1274 1127 672 556 645 553
name menu
6059 1148 1275 1126 674 530
670 537 1265 554 645 555
646 555 1246 555 1246 553
name info
6058 1149 1275 1126 673 530
671 530 1271 554 1247 1127
1273 555 645 1128 672 1127
name guide
6058 1149 1275 1126 673 531
670 550 1252 554 1246 554
645 556 645 556 644 554
name active
6058 1149 1274 1127 673 530
671 530 1271 555 1246 555
645 1128 672 556 645 1126
name list
6058 1149 1275 1126 673 531
670 530 1272 554 1246 555
1246 555 645 555 1246 553
name exit
6058 1148 1276 1126 673 530
671 530 1271 530 669 1128
1274 555 1246 1127 1273 1126
name left
6059 1148 1275 1126 674 530
671 554 1247 554 646 555
1246 1127 1274 1127 673 1126
name up
6059 1149 1274 1127 673 530
670 531 1271 554 645 556
645 1128 1274 554 1246 1126
name right
6058 1148 1276 1125 674 530
671 530 1271 541 659 1128
672 556 1246 1127 672 1127
name down
6059 1148 1275 1126 673 530
671 530 1272 554 645 555
1247 554 1246 1128 672 554
name select
6058 1149 1274 1126 674 530
671 530 1271 554 646 1128
672 1129 1273 1128 1273 553
name on
6059 1148 1275 1126 674 530
1272 529 670 530 670 556
645 555 1246 1128 1273 553
name off
6058 1149 1275 1126 673 530
1272 529 671 530 670 555
645 1129 1273 1128 1273 1125
end raw_codes
end remote

Directv H23-600 Hd Receiver Manual Download Last Version Free

DIRECTV D12-100 Digital Multi-Satellite Receiver is given the ninth spot. This digital multi-satellite receiver is an upgraded version of this DIRECTV D11 model. You will get all standard and high-definition results from it. Most importantly, it is SWiM Compatible. It is very important for any satellite receiver to be highly and extensively.

Directv H23-600 Hd Receiver Manual Download Last Version Windows 10

  • If a professional installed your DIRECTV® HD Receiver, you’re ready to start watching TV. If your receiver was not professionally If your receiver was not professionally installed or you just added a surround sound system or other equipment, please see Appendix 1, “Setup & Activation.”.
  • Contents hide 1 DirecTV On-Screen Menu Help Guide 1.1 References 1.2 Related Manuals DirecTV On-Screen Menu Help Guide Smart Search Spend less time searching and more time watching with our intuitive search feature. Available on all HD DVR and DVR Receivers (model R22 or later). Press MENU on your remote. Choose SEARCH & BROWSE, then.