Nonmem License Cost

The Customer

Our client is one of the leaders in global healthcare, offering accessible treatments to millions worldwide. They have 50,000 employees in over 50 countries that are committed to provide high-quality products to improve the health and everyday lives of people around the world.

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The Challenge


Due to significant cost of proprietary software, the client wished to shift the conduct of internal standard and recurring exploratory pharmacometric modeling & simulation analyses towards the use of open-source tools. More specifically, they intended to explore the use of NLMIXR which required having an intuitive interface for model definition and seamless post-processing of results to generate report-ready tables and graphs. In addition, they requested a workflow that would allow them to conduct standard analyses (such as population PK, PK extrapolation to human) in a structured manner. Independence of workflow from the underlying NLME tool was highly valued, allowing the client to switch to NONMEM, if needed, without having to start model building from scratch. Another request was that the results of the analyses should automatically be incorporated into Microsoft Word documents.

Nonmem license cost california

Nonmem License Cost 2020

Why IntiQuan

IntiQuan was the right partner for this work as we already implemented similar solutions for NONMEM and MONOLIX, based on the IntiQuan R Tools (IQR Tools) and the Word reporting software IQReport.

The Solution

In a first step, an NLMIXR interface was developed and implemented in IQR Tools. The seamless model and analysis description then allowed to employ an identical syntax, independently if NONMEM, MONOLIX, or NLMIXR was used for parameter estimation. In a second step, an R script-based population PK workflow was built based on a typical analysis that the client often performs. In the last step a Word reporting template was developed, allowing to include all results of the analysis workflow into a Word report that matches the clients corporate Word style.

The Benefit

The developed workflow has allowed the client to conduct standard and recurring exploratory modeling analyses based on open-source modeling tools and reduce the cost involved in licensing proprietary software. As the workflow approach is agnostic to the underlying parameter estimation tool, the user needs to get familiar only with a universal (intuitive) syntax which reduces the time for on-boarding. Seamless switching between different underlying NLME tools (e.g., NLMIXR and NONMEM) empowers the modelers to strive for the model building that is fit for purpose and spend less time navigating around issues of a particular tool. Through the automatic reporting of modeling results time to report preparation is greatly reduced and copy paste mistakes are a thing from the past.

The gold standard software in Population Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacokinetic-Pharmacodynamic modelling

The software consists of three parts:

  1. NONMEM® itself, the basic and very general nonlinear regression programme.
  2. PREDPP - a powerful package of subroutines handling population PK data as well as general linear and nonlinear models, which can free the user from coding standard knetic type equations while simultaneously allowing complicated patient-type data to be easily analysed.
  3. NM-TRAN - a preprocessor allowing control and other needed inputs to be specified in a user-friendly manner. Both NONMEM and NM-TRAN are batch type programmes.


The latest release of NONMEM® includes these enhancements and more.

1. Population analysis methods available for handling a variety of PK/PD population analysis problems:

  • First Order Conditional Estimation (FOCE)
  • Laplace Conditional Estimation
  • Iterative Two Stage (ITS)
  • Importance Sampling Expectation-Maximization (IMP)
  • Stochastic Approximation Expectation-Maximization (SAEM)
  • Markov-Chain Monte Carlo Bayesian Analysis (BAYES, NUTS)

2. Parallel computing of a single problem over multiple cores or computers, for estimation, covariance assessment, simulation, nonparametric analysis and posthoc parameter and weighted residual diagnostic evaluation, significantly reducing completion time

3. Increased efficiency of dynamic memory allocation to handle very large problems, eliminating the need to recompile the NONMEM® program for unusually large problems

Additional features, some new to NONMEM 7.5, include:

  • Model multiple mixed effects levels, with random effects across groups of individuals such as clinical site
  • Solve ordinary differential equations (ODE) and differential algebraic equations (DAE) with algorithms such as LSODA, LSODI1, CVODES and IDAS
  • Solve delay differential equations (DDE) with algorithms such as RADAR5 (for stiff equations) and DDE_SOLVER (for non-stiff equations)
  • Evaluate and optimize clinical trial designs
  • Import Variance-covariance of estimates from any source as text files for TNPRI problems
  • Output user-defined parameters with their standard errors

Nonmem License Cost Calculator

Requirements for Running NONMEM®

The NONMEM computer programme is written and distributed in ANSI Fortran 95 code and therefore can be used with most hardware and operating systems incorporating a Fortran 95 compiler adhering to the ANSI standard. It has been shown to operate with Intel Fortran Compiler 9.0 or greater for Windows or Linux and gFortran for Windows or Linux.

Since a NONMEM run can take considerable CPU time, perhaps many hours depending on the speed of the computer and the size of the problem, it is advisable to use a fast machine. At least 1 and preferably 2 GB of memory should be available for exclusive use of NONMEM and NM-TRAN programmes.

How Much Does The License Cost

Licensing of NONMEM®

The NONMEM programme is available for download, which together with the documentation and all updates and additions to the programme, will be delivered for a license subscription fee to be paid annually. This fee is subject to change from year to year, and at each anniversary, the licensee at its option may choose not to renew the license.

NONMEM® versions up through VI are the property of the Regents of the University of California, but ICON Early Phase has exclusive rights to license their use. NONMEM® 7 up to the current version 7.5.0 is the property of ICON Early Phase.


Nonmem License Cost

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Nonmem License Cost Texas

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